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Monday, July 24, 2006

Hooray for birthdays

For those of you who kept up with the month of celebrations, you might think that I had received all the presents I was due. Well, we had a mini exchange of presents on Sunday - very knitting related.Hello Dad Here's my dad - it's not his birthday.
Mum with yarn Here's my mum with her alpaca silk. It was her birthday a few weeks ago but we decided I wouldn't post her yarn. She hasn't been knitting much lately because she ran out of yarn and it was too hot so she's very pleased with her birthday present and all the other yarn I'd been hoarding for her.
Happy stashing
Back shot And here is my present! An alpaca shrug designed by Sian Luyken and featured in Simply Knitting a few months ago. I know Sian from Angelknits and her shrug was the front cover design.
Get ready for your close up
Here me am
Clever mummy!
Mum trying to get out of the shot
Shrug closeup
It is so wonderful!


At 3:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The shrug is so pretty and looks perfect on you! It's come out really nice, but did you or your mum make it? Sorry, just being thick here, I know...!

Is that Rowan Biggy Print in colour 247 I see in the background?


At 3:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

btw, blogger has totally and utterly cheesed me off, I've had to enter the word verification code 4 times before it accepted my previous comment... what gives?!

At 5:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you did forget to say who knitted it. i see you have had an anonymous comment previously which was not from me so i shall click in 'other' this time!
and am alsoo having trouble like annarella with getting this accepted.

At 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The shrug is really lovely! It looks ace on as well, such a pretty colour and cool shape.


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