Noblin activity of the knitting variety.

Including Noblin Designs, How to identify Noblins,
Advice on how to catch a Noblin, and How to keep your Noblin happy.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Gone Travelling

I don't think I'll be blogging while I'm away so this is it from me until June 2007. Thanks for reading and commenting and perhaps we can all pick up where we left off next year. Everything is manic here but I think our luggage is the correct weight and I have a good balance of yarn and hats (to cover up the terrible hair cut I just had. I feel so ugly but it will grow!). Things have been a bit teary over the last few weeks as I've said goodbye to people but now I'm really geared up for things. So, here's a teary goodbye to you guys and an excited hello to the inside of airports and swiss chocolate.



At 7:25 PM, Blogger theflynnmeister said...

See ya little sis..... have fun! and if you want, I can always post some knitting stuff on here for you. It doesn't look that hard :D

I always did love a good big hank ;)

At 7:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you have a fantastic time! I'll miss your blog though :)

At 3:01 AM, Blogger SpiderWomanKnits said...

Have a wonderful and exciting time :-)

Take lots of pictures!



At 5:49 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

Have fun on your trip around the world, Noblin. See you in a year!

At 6:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a fantastic time - love to you and Chris


At 6:27 PM, Blogger Erssie said...

I can't say no to people who specifically want an erssie knit! However, I will have to otherwise I will be working my whole trip in NZ. Plus, i am getting offered decent money now e.g. £180 plus free yarn and all expenses paid for a 41cm cushion cover. I thought etsy would be a way of getting rid of readymade knits that don't have a home but it has generated a word of mouth commissioning business. But, alas all good knitters knit for themselves only! However, if you ever needed some extra cash I'd hire you styraight away Noblin!

At 10:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 12:14 PM, Blogger Erssie said...

You may not be blogging but I know you are blogreading, you just can't resist it can you! Ta for reading my blog and commenting,you are the only one who has mentioned me being in simply Knitting! I know other people have read it and are just not saying anything!

At 4:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Corrected your Noblin link on Skeinspotting. Blogger keeps changing all their stuff, are you on the new blogger? Easier to use but difficult to sign in!


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