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Friday, June 10, 2011

Training for September #4 and a new toy

Pre run munch: salt and vinegar crisps
Post run munch: dinner - I think it was sausage pasta
Time of run: 5pm gogo go ji
Distance: not far
Time: 20 mins
Category: hurty leg
Feeling: weepy

Tuesday's run was a bit upsetting as I already started in a bad mood and then my leg seized up and I came home and internally raged and wept at my miserable luck. I had hoped running would cheer me up but I had to fall back on The Big Bang Theory and my lovely knitting group. By the end of the evening I was feeling much better.

On Wednesday, I had to suffer the indignity of working for almost the whole day but I did get to eat cake at my Mum's for lunch.  Big sister came round in the evening to finish off a lovely new bag for me.  Really it was too late at night for sewing in a straight line and everything seemed rather difficult but I gave her a big bowl of ice cream.  We also talked about our trip to Japan that is due in November and we freaked out a bit at how expensive it was becoming.  I went to bed and had nightmares about knitting Bob wrong, as I'd also had a wobble over how close the deadline is.

Thursday was a busy, busy day.  I'm deputy at work and this week I've been in charge which mostly means pretending to tell people what to do. And staying late. And sometimes getting in early. I did manage to sneak out in time to get to town and have dinner and go to my lessons. I didn't have time to open my NEW TOY which is also a BIRTHDAY PRESENT and actually WORKS!

It's a

Tabtech M009S 2GB Google Android Tablet PC - Cheapest 2.2 Android Tablet works with Flash 10.1


and it was cheap and it works! I was worried it might all be in chinese or really confusing but it was fine.  I charged it up for a few hours before I became suspicious it wasn't charging properly so I turned it on and had a poke around.  It came with a stylus but I was also a little suspicious the stylus would damage the screen and my finger works fine.  At first the tablet wouldn't recognise my wifi so I turned the wifi off and on again (basics!) and then it detected it and I put in the password and then I went on the internet.  Simples! I've downloaded a few apps and need to check it plays music and films but that will have to wait as Bob is getting jealous again.

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