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Monday, June 06, 2011


I'm thinking of buying myself a new gadget and I'm a bit confused about whether to buy the super cheapest that might only speak chinese and essentially, kill me by not working properly, or pay more so I wouldn't need a stylus but might be getting the same thing in all other respects.

I had a grand old weekend with Bob although I left him at home on Sunday, taking instead an easy project to do in front of dvds. It was supposed to be a picnic but the weather turned and it was grey and drippy all day. I did buy a new umbrella from Primarni for £3 and it is soooo cool. I also took a trip to PC world to fetch my sister a shiny pink laptop and I think that is where my idea to get a tiny tablet pc came from. Netbooks looked fun too but they're more expensive and who needs a keyboard these days?

The little project is a phone cosy for a friend at Japanese. Speaking of japanese and gadgets, there was a 3d tv in one of the shops showing 3d Nikko - Nikko ni okii otera ya jinja ga arimasu! But my sister wasn't interested and the shop was excessively hot so I didn't get to stay for very long.

Ok have ordered a gadget or two, have been on internet for faaaaar toooooooo looooooooong, so really don't need another gadget, must get back to poor neglected Bob.



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