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Friday, July 15, 2011

Training for September #6

Pre run munch: egg and bacon sandwich (!)
Post run munch: rice pudding and peaches
Time of run: 7pm gogo shichi ji
Distance: 3.83km
Time: 31 mins
Category: 1x2 run then walk program, 9 reps plus 1 extra minute run and then walk home
Feeling: satisfied

I had to go to a tax conference today which meant setting my alarm for hideous o'clock and not getting home until 12 hours later.  Seriously long day for me, when I would usually roll out of bed around 8.30 on a Friday and finish work at 1pm.  I didn't think I'd manage to go out for a run but then realised I might not get another chance until Monday at that would be a whole week later so I put on my little stretchy pants and farted around in my flat until I felt ready to go.  It was quite late so there was plenty of shade and it was cool.  The grass in the fields has grown a lot so my legs were a bit sore from running through there. I stayed mostly on pavement which I don't like to do, especially as the race is on trail, but I didn't like to slice my legs up an further on the grass.  It's too warm to wear my full length jogging bottoms so I might try the playing fields, which are much smaller and have dog walkers and football players on them which is rather embarrassing when my stretchy pants fall down.  Anyways, major success that I managed to go out at all and added a minute of running on to the last time.  I'm going to try adding a minute each time (within reason) by increasing the reps and that should increase my stamina too.  I remember the first 5km of my last (first!) race where relatively comfortable but thereafter everything began to hurt - shoulders, back,  toes, arms as well as my legs - so this time I'm keen to build up some longer practice times, rather than worrying at all about speed.  I did use my nifty phone app this time and it gave me an idea of how far and fast I went.  It was reassuring in that I covered nearly 4km without any trouble and kept a pace that would give ma between 85 and 90 mintues for a 10km.  I'd like to match or beat my original time as I feel I should be better prepared for this one, so a PB around 80 minutes would be great.  My brother is still encouraging me (um, berating me?) to try for a sub-60 minute time but that, for the moment, is crazee talking.



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