I started sorting my stash
I ended up cutting up my wedding dress.
I've had nearly 6 years to think about what to do with my wedding dress and given that my next anniversary will be my last, it was nice to finally start the process of turning the most expensive dress I've ever bought into the most expensive quilt I've ever made. I've only made one thing with a sewing machine, when I was 11, at school so turning a wedding dress into something else should be done in baby steps. Today I detached the underskirt with all the netting (whilst prancing around in my veil) and tidied away the remaining shell of a dress into my sewing box. Oh yes, I have a box full of fabric. I suppose one day I'll need to purchase a sewing machine and learn to sew but at least the first of the baby steps has been taken.
In tidying my stash I realised 1) that I have more than I realised and 2) it was too big a job for one day.
I did explode one set of drawers onto the bed though.
Have you ever tried counting how much yarn you have for socks? I've tried twice now and each time can't remember the number. I think I have enough for 13 pairs lus two on the needles but it might be 14 as some came in the post today. Fortunately, I finished these off in time to be eligible for the knitalong prize draw.
Details to follow.